Manned Guarding remains the most effective traditional security available, with onsite presence and an immediate ability to have security guard on site reacting to any unforeseen occurrence. Having a trained security officer on site, standing sentry and carrying out patrols is the main activity of manned guards.
Eye360 Security provides manned guards to individuals and corporate bodies, and ensures supervisor visits are completed, random site visits are carried out by our mobile management team, onsite and offsite training and development are undertaken, as well as the deployment of mystery shopper efforts to check our security officers onsite. In addition, our control department does hourly check calls to complement efforts of ensuring the performance of our security officers are at the highest level.
The role of our security guards onsite include maintaining access and egress, assisting in stock delivery and finished product movement where applicable, visitor guidance, controlling work force movement and carrying out searches, car parking management, vehicle searches with access & egress control, reducing opportunity theft and ensuring a low risk environment for the client and customer while making a high risk environment for a criminal element, etc.
Each client may be completely different from each other but we have a dedicated team to provide the same quality and consistency to all our clients and customers.
Eye360 Security currently provides dependable manned guarding services for very notable brands and high profile homes including (but not limited to) corporate offices, Pharmacies, schools, Apartments, warehouses, industrial sites, etc.